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  • An update on the Shut the WOOF up podcast

    After 5 amazing years of barking about all things kinky, handler and pup, it’s time for me to take a little break from making the podcast and to spend more time just pupping about! I’m so grateful to have had the chance to bring Shut the WOOF up to life and I’ve had the most…

  • Season 5 – Episode 7

    Volka is joined by @hellhoundskuld and @blondeybearbdsm to talk about all things aftercare.  This is a really important episode about something really important as part of a healthy kinky relationship/encounter. I’m really grateful to Skuld and Blondey for talking so intimately about their kinky relationship and how and what aftercare means to them. This was…

  • Season 5 – Episode 6

    Volka is joined by @puptaurus and @pupsnap to talk about dealing with cliques and anxiety in the kink community.    I’ve been asked a few times over the years to make an episode on this topic but and I thought it’s about time I finally discussed it! I wasn’t sure how it would go but I was pleasantly surprised with the…

  • Season 5 – Episode 5

      Volka is joined by @littlepupjessie and @Shaun2k5 to talk about what it’s like being plus sized in the world of kink. I’m really grateful to my two guests for discussing a very personal topic so candidly and honestly and I really think we raised some interesting points on this episode. I hope you all…

  • Season 5 – Episode 4

    Volka is joined by @Murrlin, @Tekpup and Trekpup to talk about their kinky relationships and how kinky they may or may not be… This one features my boyfriend. WHAT?! Volka has a boyfriend now?! Yes. I know it’s weird and strange, but it’s a revealing episode full of honesty about the ups and downs of…

  • Season 5 – Episode 3

    Volka is joined by @Pup_Umber and Chopstix to talk about being a POC in the world of fetish. An episode a long time in the making, it’s one meant to be informative without being preachy – a way to listen to and understand things that may not be so obvious to the stereotypical demographic in…

  • Season 5 – Episode 2

    The psychology of fetish with Emma Kenny Volka is joined by @EmmaKennyTV and @AlphaBune to discuss the psychology of fetish. How do we deal with fetish haters? How do we know if we’re “normal” and how do we deal with the voices in our heads that tell us we’re not? This one’s very deep but…

  • Season 5 – Episode 1

    Season 5 is GO! Volka is joined by @MotoThePup and @PupFoon for a look back at the last year. How has lockdown affected us all? how have we kept ourselves occupied? and what we have been using to get us through it all? We take a delve into the real and virtual reality world of…

  • Season 4 – Episode 9 (Christmas Special)

    A SUPRISE MERRY CHRISTMAS EPISODE YOU FILTHY ANIMALS! We said we would end the season with episode 8, but after the crazy year we have all had, we thought it would be a special Christmas treat for Volka & Jabbins to give you a festive extra special podcast treat. Call it our gift you. Not…

  • Season 4 – Episode 8

    We’re ending the season here with our final and eighth episode, featuring yet again, NON pups. What’s going on you say? Well the world’s gone upside down this year with podcasts being recorded over the internet instead of face to face, presidential elections that take a week to find out the winner, diseases locking down…